Tag Archives: homeschooling high school

Debunking Myths about Homeschooling High School

I was filled with fear and trepidation as the high school years approached! Though I loved homeschooling and it was working well for our family, I was not at all sure I could pull off high school. I worried that I could exterminate my children’s college admission plans and ruin their futures. Is this you?

As if your own fears are not enough, well-meaning family and friends often add to your anguish with thoughts of their own. However not all of your worries are legitimate! CHEA (Christian Home Educators Association of California) recently asked me to bust and debunk some of the common myths about homeschooling high school.

You can access my article at https://www.cheaofca.org/2023/11/06/homeschool-myth-busting-high-school-edition/.